Let’s expand psychological safe circles — those magical subsets within groups where fearless collaboration thrives, and defensive reactions (fight, flight, & freeze) become superfluous.

Lucerne Psychological Safety Check-Up free team questionnaire (Microsoft Forms Template)

Reiseführer zu psychologischer & innerer Sicherheit (BASICS).

Guide to psychological & inner safety.

Reiseführer zur inneren Sicherheit. (ADVANCED)

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team. (New York Times Magazine)

Reiseführer zur psychologischen Sicherheit. (ADVANCED)

Mit Sicherheit erfolgreicher führen (SCHWEIZERISCHE ÄRZTEZEITUNG)

PS: Wie aufrichtig kann ich im Team kommunizieren? (Blogbeitrag)

Meine Backstory zur PS

Wie ermittelt man psychologische Sicherheit im Team? (Podcast)

Eine Schweigekultur blockiert den Erfolg. (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Für wen eignet sich die Arche?

Erfolgsfaktor psychologische und innere Sicherheit (Magazin Bildungkirche)

Echt gemeinsam unterwegs...

Podcast zur Arche

Eine kleine Einführung zur PS.

Warum psychologische Sicherheit und aufrichtige Kommunikation die Grundlage für gelingende Lernprozesse im Team sind. (Blog: Education Minds)

Google's PS Dimensionen.

Leadership behaviour plays a key role for the group climate. Some leaders succeed in keeping the framework for cooperation psychologically safeguarded, others do not yet succeed.

Play the ARK

ARK is available for English, French, German & Chinese speakers.

  • How is our team’s psychological safety score & everyone’s contribution to it?
  • How well do we use our potential?
  • What would everyone name as the team’s power sources & energy drainers?
  • What are the sources & the magnitude of tensions within the team?
  • What is every participants’ perceived contribution in nurturing these tensions (self & other perception)?
  • To what extend are you aware of how others perceive your influence on the team dynamics?
  • Anonymous feedback: how can you work towards a more psychologically safe team?
  • What is the gestalt of our team’s Psychological-Safety-Heatmap?
Joachim Maier

Dr. Joe Maier

Joe created the ARK. He is a Lucerne based pioneer of psychological safe circles. Joe co-creates psychologically safer space in projects all over the world.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

‘Those who have to constantly protect and defend themselves do not channel that energy into finding solutions to complex problems,’ says Dr. Joe Maier, the head of the training course ‘Psychological Safety as a Leadership Task’ at the Institute of Applied Psychology at zhaw in Zurich.


Stephan Kelm

Stephan’s home-base is Stuttgart. He got in touch with the spirit of psychological safety, teaming and leadership during 20 Years as CEO of a major youth organisation in Germany. He is certified as trainer, coach and consultant of new work as well as systemic advisor and working freelance since 2019.


We are dedicated to creating a psychologically safer world, transforming it one team at a time. Reach out to collaborate and make a positive impact together.